I’ve always lived by the programming adage, “Get it working, then make it either readable or fast.” When you are developing games or other high performance applications, the making it fast part can consume a lot of your time.

I can’t count the number of hours I’ve spent looking at call graphs. What do you do when you’ve determined your bottleneck though? Most people start looking at common things like unraveling loops and recursion or creating look up tables (LUTs). LUTs are a common practice in the gaming industry for things like trig functions. Why? Well, their values are static. The value of sin(45°) will always be 0.7071067812.

There are two reasons that make a LUT useful. First, the cost of looking up a value in a hash or array is usually orders of magnitude smaller than performing the calculation multiple times. Second, the math functions being called are deterministic. Translation: the solution will always be the same for a given input.

You may be asking what this has to do with deterministic algorithms. Well, you can take the idea of a LUT one step further, but I see this much less frequently even though it can be incredibly powerful. Any algorithm that is deterministic can have it’s own LUT. This is often called memoization, but most people don’t recognize that it’s possible because the function is deterministic. Let me show you how it works. A normal fibonacci algorithm in go might look like this:

func Fibonacci(n int64) int64 {  
     var f int64  
     if n <= 1 {  
          f = 1  
     } else {  
          f = Fibonacci(n-1) + Fibonacci(n-2)  
     return f  

This works fine for small values of n like 1 or 7. But when n is 100, this could take quite a bit of time to run. Because it’s recursive, proving that the function is deterministic has huge gains. I’ll leave the details of the proof to you, but for the sake of this post let’s just assume it is (it is).

Knowing that this function is deterministic is important! It means we can store the previously calculated values and return them or use them in calculating new values. Here is one possible way to do this:

var fibonacciLUT map[int64]int64

func MemoizedFibonacci(n int64) int64 {  
     var f int64  
     if stored, ok := fibonacciLUT[n]; ok {  
          return stored  
     if n <= 1 {  
          f = 1  
     } else {  
          f = MemoizedFibonacci(n-1) + MemoizedFibonacci(n-2)  
     fibonacciLUT[n] = f  
     return f  

Not much has changed. First, we create a map (an array could also work in this case) to store the values. Next, before we start doing the computations, we look to see if we already have a stored result. If we do, then we return that. If not, we perform the calculation and save the value into our map.

How much does this improve our performance? SO MUCH I HAVE TO USE CAPS TO SAY HOW MUCH!

$ go run fibonacci.go  
50 iterations of Non-memoized took 5m37.824026s to complete.  
50 iterations of Memoized took 106us to complete.  

Yes, you are reading that right. The normal calls took more than five minutes to run and the memoized version took 106 microseconds. You can see the entire program in one of my gists.

So, why am I writing about this. Computer science is important! You need to understand things like deterministic algorithms, state-space graphs, and everything else that you may have missed while you were on Facebook in your CS classes. They are what separate script kiddies from coding ninjas.

You might say, “The Zuckster never graduated!” I don’t care how or where you learn it. Whether its MIT, Coursera, or Wikipedia, good programmers need to understand these things. I’ve come across too many people who can’t answer fundamental computer science questions and I’ll bet my bottom dollar that this problem is directly correlated to why I have to maintain unreadable, slow code.

Go forth and learn!