This post is part of a series Hardcore Google. You can find other posts here:
When you first start developing a web application, one of the first big decision you make after choosing your tool set is how these tools will interact with each other. For my project, I had already chosen Go for my back-end, AngularJS for by front-end, and Google App Engine to host it all. It was just a matter of figuring out how to get Go and AngularJS to communicate with each other. Fortunately doing that was stupid-simple.
I chose a RESTful API for communication because it seemed to be the most organized method of communication and both sides of the web application support it quite well. I’ve found in my development career that trying to fit a square peg into a round hole only makes you lose your hair faster, so REST it was.
Using a RESTful web service means that you’ll be managing your data based on the HTTP method (i.e. GET, POST, DELETE, etc.) and URL. On the Go side of things, you’ll be using the net/http package to handle the requests from AngularJS. At a high level, you tell Go to handle a request like this:
http.HandleFunc("/bar", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Thanks for the %s!", r.Method)
Here we register a function to handle all requests to /bar. Every function that handles a request has the same function definition: it has as its parameters an http.ResponseWriter which is used to write a response and an http.Request which contains the details of the request being made. In this case, if we started up this server, and made the request “DELETE /bar”, we’d receive back “Thanks for the DELETE!”
Hopefully, you can see where this is going. To implement a RESTful API in Go, you would register handlers for each URL endpoint and then based on the given method you’d perform an operation. We can make this process even better though by using gorilla/mux. It is a drop in replacement for Go’s http handlers, but it can take care of the details of routing based on the HTTP method. Here is an example:
m := mux.NewRouter()
// Get all lists.
m.HandleFunc("/", GetAllLists).Methods("GET")
// Make a new list.
m.HandleFunc("/", PostList).Methods("POST")
// Singe list operations.
m.HandleFunc("/{key}/", GetList).Methods("GET")
m.HandleFunc("/{key}/", PutList).Methods("PUT")
m.HandleFunc("/{key}/", DeleteList).Methods("DELETE")
// Everything else fails.
m.HandleFunc("/{path:.*}", gorca.NotFoundFunc)
As you can see, I register handlers for each of the REST methods I’m interested in. In this example, I’m registering some functionality for the list part of my web application. I can either GET all of the lists or POST a new list at the root (/). If I’m given a key (/{key}/) in the URL, then I’m dealing with a specific list. In that case, I can get the list, update the list, or delete with list with GET, PUT, and DELETE.
The last HandleFunc acts as a catch all. If the client makes a request that isn’t one explicitly listed, we return a 404 status and a JSON response with the details. The net/http package already returns a simple 404, but I wanted to return a JSON response as well. Using the catch all allows me to send that JSON response. The client can then present a useful message to the user should something go wrong instead of a somewhat useless “Not Found”.
As an example of how the handlers look, the GetAllLists handler looks like this:
// GetAllLists fetches all of the lists.
func GetAllLists(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Create the query.
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
q := datastore.NewQuery("List").Order("-LastModified")
// Fetch the lists.
lists := []List{}
if _, err := q.GetAll(c, &lists); err != nil {
gorca.LogAndUnexpected(c, w, r, err)
// Write the lists as JSON.
gorca.WriteJSON(c, w, r, lists)
Some of the details may be fuzzy if you aren’t familiar with App Engine, but I basically fetch all of the lists from App Engine’s datastore and then convert it to JSON and send that as the response.
The GetAllLists function is a great example of how Go and App Engine interact to make development simple. In just a couple of dozen lines of code, I can create a robust REST web service. I don’t have to deal with MySQL connections, user authentication, or parsing incoming HTTP requests. App Engine and Go do all that for me. The net result is that I have more readable, testable, and maintainable code.
You can see how I hooked this all up in more detail in my application:
I was truly surprised at how easy this process was. Rigging up a back-end can be a nightmare. At work, I deal with a SOAP web service and I am willing to testify in court that the ’S’ (simple) is a lie. With Go, this isn’t the case. It already provides great functionality and the open source nature of the language means that great packages like gorilla/mux are there when you want them. Stay tuned, for next time. I’ll talk about getting AngularJS to consume and present the JSON we are sending back.